How Endurance Athletes Can Train Effectively in Summer Heat and Humidity with Integrated Strength Training

With summer on Delmarva right around the corner, we wanted to give you a few tips to keep your training on track!

Summer, for most people, is considered the season for vacation, cookouts, and beach parties. But for endurance athletes, it is the time to put in dedicated training as the race season approaches. However, with summer also comes extreme heat and humidity that can challenge even the most seasoned athlete. Weather conditions can make it tough to get your training in and keep the intensity up. But, with proper training, nutrition, and hydration, endurance athletes can thrive and make huge gains with summer training. In this blog, you will discover how you too can train effectively during summer, despite the heat and humidity, with integrated strength training.

Make adjustments to your training schedule: Training early in the morning or late in the evening when temperatures are lower are effective ways to avoid training in peak heat. You can split your training session into smaller segments, with rest in between, to prevent exercise-induced heat sickness. Make sure you are getting adequate rest between workouts.

Hydration is key: Maintaining hydration during exercise is crucial. Drinking water before, during, and after training enables the body to perform better and recover faster. The jury is out on the need to supplement with electrolytes while training, so you can just drink sports drinks to taste. But, avoid drinks high in sugar, alcohol, or caffeine as they can lead to dehydration and fatigue.

Optimize your nutrition: Proper nutrition is a significant factor in training during summer. Eat a diet rich in carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Avoid heavy meals before training and eat small snacks throughout the day to keep your blood sugar levels stable. During the summer, your metabolism increases, so your body naturally craves more fluids and energy, so listen to what your body needs and fuel it accordingly.

Incorporate strength training: Endurance athletes often focus too much on cardio activities and neglect strength training. Incorporating strength training allows you to strengthen your muscles, increase your endurance, and improve your overall performance. It also helps to prevent injury and maintain bone density. Resistance training such as bodyweight exercises, free weights, and resistance bands can decrease body fat, increase lean muscle mass, and improve overall health.

Train in the right gear: Wearing lightweight, breathable, and moisture-wicking clothing is essential when training in the summer heat. Choose fabrics that dry quickly and avoid cotton, which retains water and can cause chafing. Wear sunscreen and sunglasses to protect your skin, eyes, and vision. Don't forget your hat and visor, which offer both sun protection and shade.

Training during summer weather can be tough, but with the right precautions and adjustments, you can train effectively in the heat and humidity while integrating strength training. Start by optimizing your nutrition and hydration, adjusting your training schedule, incorporating strength activities, and wearing suitable gear. Remember, listen to your body, be aware of the risks, and take care of yourself with proper rest and recovery. With dedication, discipline, and patience, you can not only survive but thrive during summer training as an endurance athlete! At Driven Physiotherapy we can help you put together a personalized plan to get the most out of your summer! Book your free Discovery Call today to get started.


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